I'm taking care of
Sam this weekend for Jen, so I get to do all the fun stuff, like take him out before bed, which, of course, I forget I have to do until I'm already
ready for bed, so there I am, roaming the streets of JP in my pajamas. Or, as Jen likes to call them, my elephant pants. (Look, they're gray, they're extremely comfortable, and they may or may not be three sizes too big for me. Bygones.) I look for the easiest shoes to slip on, and my Doc Martens come into play. Needless to say, I make quite the picture. So could my nice, quiet street be nice and quiet? No. Some guy is out there walking
his dog. And he wants to make conversation, when all I can think is, "Dude! I'm wearing my elephant pants and Docs. As soon as Sam lifts his leg, I am out of here."
This picture is not Sam. This is Isabelle, my sister's new puppy. She's so cute, I had to share.
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