Monday, January 9

I am not acting like anything, I am calmly reading

I won't lie, 2016 was kind of a rough year for me. Lots of good things, but also many stressful ones. This led to a lot of anti-anxiety reading, which for me means romance and mystery novels. During the move, I wasn't reading much at all, and I was pretty sure this would be my first year not hitting my reading challenge. But then I discovered Elizabeth Hoyt. And Tessa Dare. And Sharon Bolton's Lacey Flint series. And just like that, I read 78 books last year, making it five straight years of hitting my Goodreads goal.

For the first time, however, I won't be upping the ante on my reading challenge. Last year's mark was 65 books, and I'm keeping that for 2017. That's slightly more than a book a week, and that seems reasonable to me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some reading to do.

1 comment:

custom writing service reviews said...

Pretty good habit you have of reading books. Reading 65 books in a year is indeed a difficult thing to do. By the way keep reading and share the thoughts about the books you have already read.