Friday, August 14

A big little movie or a little big movie?

I finally went to see Ant-Man the other night, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I didn't rush out to see it right away like I did with Avengers or Captain America, because I was put off by the very concept of an "ant-man." It seemed like a pretty stupid superhero to me, but I've loved Paul Rudd ever since Clueless, so clearly, I was torn. Luckily, the stepdaughter went to see it first, and she loved it, so we gave it a shot. (Any recommendations from the children are taken with a liberal grain of salt, as they almost always "love" everything. Seriously, they haven't learned to be discerning. Of course, J.R. would claim that I am no one to talk, since I unabashedly love several not-so-great movies, including but not limited to: The Secret of My Success, Con Air, and almost any teen movie John Hughes ever touched.* Bygones.)

The point is, I still really, really like Paul Rudd. He managed to pull off a combination of superhero and snark quite well, and the supporting cast was hilarious. I particularly liked Michael Pena as Luis, and I'm pretty sure I would watch the movie for his scenes alone. I'm also a huge fan of Anthony Mackie since we saw him at Emerald City Comic-Con earlier this year, so the appearance of Falcon was quite welcome. Also, I liked that they tied it into the Avengers universe without overshadowing Ant-Man. Okay, I still hate the name, but I'll come to grips with it eventually. Probably.

*Notable exception: I hate Pretty in Pink. Hate. Loathe. Despise. Despite the fact that Andrew McCarthy was my guy throughout adolescence, his character was a total dick in that movie and never should have got the girl. Plus, his name was Blane. Stupid.


Patricia Elizabeth Arriaza said...

Pretty in Pink is one of those movies that I used to defend in my younger years. I'd get offended whenever anyone ragged on it. Now? I still like it but I have to admit I also haven't watched it ages. Plus, I might be a teensy bit embarrassed about the fact that while other people rant about how awful Blaine was, I mostly was enraged by the idea that the dress she made was remotely better than the original. I could buy into a lot, apparently, but not that. :)

longboards for the Beginners said...
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